Here are the first nine Tapasvins of the Aashrama:
Group 1
U. Ramalingappa. Age 46. Was
initiated in 1989. Married and has two children. A commerce
graduate and works for his living. He is prompted as
a upadeshakaa that is, he is authorized to initiate
the seekers. Wife and sons do japah. Attended ILTC seven
times. Lives in Adoni, Andhra Pradesh, India. |
N. Jayamurthy. Age 50. Took upadesha in 1993. Married and has four children. A double
graduate and a teacher by profession. He is promoted
as upadeshakaa. Interesting thing about him and his
family is that he and his 20 year son are among the
group of nine tapasvins. His other son, two daughters,
wife and son-in-law all have attended tapovijaya programme.
A blessed family. Attended ILTC seven times. Lives in
a village called Hulikere near Jagalur, Karnataka, India.
Smt.G.C.Shashikala. Age 36.
Took upadesha in 1990. Married with two children. Educated
upto S.S.L.C and is a housewife. Yet also assists her
husband in running a jewellary business. Her husband
is a saadhakaa too. Attended ILTC twice. Lives at Punganur,
Andhra Pradesh, India. |
D.Buchiah Goud. Age 66. Took upadesha in 1989. Married and has five children. Educated
only upto putting his signature. Is a toddy-tapper by
profession. He can talk tattva as though educated. Attended
ILTC eight times. Lives at Loyalapalle, Nalgonda district,
Andhra Pradesh, India. |
G.Devendrappa. Age 28. Undergraduate
failed student. Took upadesha in 2000. That he can sit
in tapas for 40 hours in one sitting is amazing. The
sudden surge found in him is unusual. He could attend
just one ILTC. He is from Jagalur, Karnataka, India. |
N.Manjunatha. Son of N. Jayamurthy
featured above. Age 20. Completed pre-university course
that made him as a teacher. Attended
ILTC four times. Got upadesha in 1997. Lives with his
father. |
Group 2
Smt. Bharathi. Age 47. Got upadesha
in 1989. Housewife, studied upto 8th standard. Her husband
is also a saadhakaa. She stays at Hyderabad, Andhra
Pradesh, India. |
G. Shivananda. Age 47. Got upadesha
in 1972. A graduate, married and has four children.
Is a farmer. He comes from Ron, Karnataka, India. |
N. Mallikarjuna Rao. Age 47.
Got upadesha in 1987. A graduate, married with two children.
Claims he is an astrologer. |
Note: The persons featured
above are all quite ordinary, academically below average.
Mostly have rural background. Undistinguished in all respects.
No one has spiritual background. They rarely read books or
magazines. Their contact with the Aashrama was accidental.
They had just enough commonsense to judge our saadhanaa and
showed grace in immediately embracing the vidyaa. They showed
exemplary discipline in doing japah regularly. Their character
is blemishless. They are simple and innocent. Perhaps these
basic qualities of head and emotions shielded them from distracting
stimuli. Blessed they are, for they are knocking for entry
into the kingdom of God. Amen. |