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Vaayu, thus has to function under the control of praanan. Yet it is vital for the survival of praanan. We have already noted the mechanism of O2 and O3. Atlest in the initial stages, vaayu alone is so constituted as to supply oxygen to the tissues and O3 to the praanan. In the rhythmic and brisk gataagati of vaayu in japah part of the O3 is recovered from the air, and the other part by converting O3 into O3. Praanan is asanagatah: that praanan is having asana as its nutriment. You deny asana to praanan, then you deny legitimacy for the praanan to rule the body for an indefinite period.

The Rise, the Rule and the Potency of praanan:

Man is born with a body full of organs. It is built by praanan with the raw materials available within itself. Imagine how a single fertilized egg becomes a big person by its internal resources.

The human body builds up itself by techniques very foreign to human mind. It is not made of extraneous material, like a house. It is composed of cells, as house is of bricks. But it is not a mere assemblage of cells, as if the house originated from one brick, a magic brick that would set out manufacturing other bricks. Those bricks without waiting for the brick-layers, would assemble themselves and form the walls. They would also metamorphose into windowpanes, roofing materials, water for the kitchen and bathroom. An organ develops by means similar to those attributed to fairies in the tales told to children by their grandmas. It is the same cells which synthesize not only the building material but also the workers. It is all amazing.

Well, can we call this a blind or automatic process by the tiny cell? No, it is reality the most imaginative and foresighted act executed by the mighty praanan upon a blueprint drawn by aataman, the 'master' of everything found in the organism. More of it later.

Praanan, thus, is present in every cell in a micro quantity, but dwelling in the dienecephalon region in full measure. It is a force capable of pulsating indefinitely in the organism, provided its needs are met. Otherwise it prefers to quit. It ever remains pure, like an electric charge. It blows the fuse and escapes when its laws of living are disobeyed and violated.

It lies dormant, almost, after birth, since man does not recognize its existence and therefore starves it. Its functioning is below normal. It is only in japah that it gets its asana to a significant extent and then begins to rise up, and be counted as the master of the organism. Then it actually begins to rule over its domain since it knows each and every cell by contact. It can look after their welfare as the mother would her children.

In fact, praanan is called Uma the mother. Its asana or anna is called rayee or viraat (purushasookta 5, prasha upanishad, II B)

The ever active praanan is known as kriyaashakti. It needs no rest and can function perpetually. Since it is only a power-house without conciousness, it needs some other power to guide it. In saankhya darshana, praanan is described as blind and the aatman  as lame. It is the blind praanan that carries the lame aatman, and it is the aatman which conducts the life\92s journey purposefully. In this way, aatman, is termed as ichchaashakti a power with super-conciousness and super\96scheming ability.

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