For a human organism to survive in a variable and hostile
environment, regulatory mechanism are essential. We have two
major regulatory systems:
The nervous system, and The endocrine system
Both the systems are not mutually exclusive but overlap in
form and function. Hypothalamus acts as an integrating centre
for both the systems (particularly the autonomic) and is the
major site at which their activities combine.
The endocrine or ductless glands are so called because they
secrete substances directly into the blood stream. The active
principle which they secrete are called hormones which are
transported into the blood to exert specific effects on cells
remote from the site of origin.
harmone is a chemical substance that is secreted into the body
fluids by one cell or group of cells and that exerts a
physiological control effect on other cells of the body. The
basic types of harmones are:
Proteins or derivative of proteins or amino acids, and
There are eight endocrine glands, which together weigh only
about two ounces (60 grams). The harmones they secrete are
very powerful beyond belief. A drop more or a drop less can
have earth-shaking effect on the glands we mean. The endocrine
system consists of:
(a) Thyroids (b) Pineal (c) Pituitary (d) Parathyroids (e)
Thymus (f) Adrenals (g) Pancreas (h) Ovaries (in the female)
and (i) Testes (in the male).
Soma Juice: The saadhakaa will get this juice early in his
tapas. It is secreted by the hypophysis cerebri (the pituitary
gland). It is a small gland about 1cm in diameter and about
0.5 to 1gm in weight. This gland lies in the hypophyseal fossa
of the sphenoid bone at the base of the brain, almost in the
centre of the head. It is connected with the hypothalamus by
the hypophyseal stalk. 50,000 or more nerve fibres enter this
fragment of tissue, while enormously rich blood supply carry
its chemical messengers - harmones - to the rest of the body.
The hypophysis cerebri is divisible into two distinct
Adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary), and Neurohypsphysis
(posterior pituitary)
Adenohypophysis produces six major harmones, which play major
roles in the control of metabolic functions throughout the
body. Neurohypophysis produces two hormones.
All secretions by this gland are controlled by either normal
or nervous signals from the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus is a
collecting centre for information concerned with the
well-being of the organisms and in turn this information is
used to control the secretions of the hypophysis cerebri. Its
hormones act as the stimulants on specific thyroid, adrenal
cortex, ovaries, the testis and the mammary glands. Thus the
pituitary is the most remarkable component of the organism. A
master indeed among the glands.
Soma juice is often mentioned in the scriptures. It is said to
be the expressed juice of a climbing creeper, sarcostemma
viminalis, used in yajnaas. It is also referred to as a
liquour. |