Why so? The answer is that the science of medicine ,like other
sciences, would like to think and talk in terms only of
material events. Only the material events and nothing more
Well, does not man have a mind which acts powerfully on the
body? Man has emotions, intellect, intelligence,
unconsciousness, dreams and the like, which together
constitute the mental side of the organism. Who do not know
that emotions affect us tremendously? Fear can stop digestion.
Guilt disturbs health. Pleasure brings on blushing.
The mission of healing the sick has brought in mixed results.
Surgery and hygiene are the blessings for mankind, other
aspects are not so. Removal of a malady is seen often to leave
behind an uneasy calm. Absence of disease is not health.
What has man learned about himself through the science of
medicine? More about the structure and functioning of the
body. About mind? Just a little. This is all the knowledge
that man has gained about himself. Medicine has taken the
first step. More strength to it in its future endeavor.
The man known is but a fraction of what remains to be known of
real man.
our body flows electricity, which plays pervasive role in
governing vital cellular functions. Cells understand the
language of electricity through electrical signals.
all wear an invisible electromagnetic garment that shields us
from head to toe. From the moment of conception, electrical
currents begin to flow in the tiny fetus guiding the intricate
process that culminates in birth. We retain the
electromagnetic garment as a birthday suit that we carry
throughout life. Disturbance in these fields portent illness.
In fact, this is the basis for acupuncture diagnosis. Whenever
body gets injured, our primordial current flows strong until
the wound heals up. Healing or regeneration of limbs is
facilitated by the higher production of electricity. Thus,
given the electrical environment, the cells in our body could
be made to differentiate into new tissues.
Salamander can regenerate as much as 1/3 of its body mass.
This process of regeneration is, in its very essence, a
rebirth. Cells are capable of extraordinary feats. When a
salamander regrows a limb or an organ, red blood cells at the
injury site lose their specialized function. They return to
primitive, almost prenatal state, ready to be remolded anew.
In facts, this cluster of amorphous cells is called a blastema.
As blastema grows, undifferentiated cells regroup into complex
tissues of the body part that they have to replace.
Electricity plays an important role in this regeneration.
Our body has retained the capacity to regenerate. It is the
controlling factors that is lost by us. Electricity generated
in japah and tapah is the controlling factor in the
regeneration process. Electricity is part of agni, which is
generic name for all forms energy.
Electromagnetic fields surrounding our body roughly parallel
the major pathways of the nervous system. Nerves conduct
electrical charge and signal everywhere. Blastema formation is
due to these signals. |